4 Mistakes to Avoid During Your DIY Plasterboard Installation

Small home improvement projects like repairing or making a new wall or replacing ceilings are relatively easy tasks that you can accomplish on your own as DIY projects. Nonetheless, the task may not be as easy as assumed (especially for beginners) and poor-quality installation may lead to holes that will require repairing before you hang wallpapers or paint. In addition, poor installation can also mean wastage of plasterboard, increasing the installation costs. For these reasons, you need to get it right the first time because fixing problems caused by poor installation can really be a pain. To prevent this, here are some mistakes you may want to avoid:

Seams at the Door Corners

Most plasterboard sheets are large and will tend to vibrate whenever you shut the door. These vibrations can lead to cracks in seams, leading to damage. For this reason, you shouldn't place seams at the corners of your doors because vibrations or shaking is likely to be stronger around the doors. Therefore, to prevent the cracks, your installation should start from the doors rather than joining the plasterboard sheets near your door. When buying the plasterboards, be sure to go for those that are durable with high resistance to mildew, abrasions, and mould.

Spaces in the Frames

The frame of your house may not always be completely level and straight. For this reason, having sufficient room to nail the plasterboard sheets or panels at the top of a stud may not always guarantee enough room at the bottom. If you notice a gap between the plasterboard sheets and the bottom of your frame once you start nailing, you'll have to remove the sheets and start over. Therefore, before you start nailing, use a level to check the frame and try adding a spacer or shim so that there are no gaps.

Improper Sanding

When you glue two plasterboard panels or sheets together, there will always be a small gap left. Such gaps can be filled with a drywall compound that may have a more porous texture than the smooth plasterboard surface. Therefore, to ensure that your wall is seamless, the compound has to be sanded until it's as smooth as your plasterboard. This means that failure to do so or sanding the compound improperly will lead to an unattractive wall.

Tapered Edges along the Corners

You need to avoid installing the tapered edges along or around the corners. If you hang plasterboard sheets or panels with the tapered edges along the outside corners, installing the corner bead properly will be a challenge. This is because the corner of that bead will be lying too low, making it hard to cover with a joint compound. Therefore, you need to instead place cut edges along the outside corners.

For assistance, talk to plasterboard suppliers.
